Workshops, Classes & Trainings
Over the last several years, it has been my pleasure to work with Yoga International in developing online classes for everybody. If you have 10, 15, 20, 30, 45, 60 or 90 minutes you can take lots of classes with me. Each class has a focus - everything from Strengthen and Flow, Invigorate Your Day, a Feel Good Flow, Restorative Yoga, Hip Opening and Closing, Just Show Up — and lots lots more.
Check out my Online Courses below to see:
Sustainable Vinyasa Yoga for Life (Yoga Journal)
Taking Refuge in Your Body (Mindful and Lion’s Roar)
Uncover Your Happiness (Yoga International)
Yoga Snack Challenge (Yoga International)
And my Online Teacher Trainings to see:
Restorative Teacher Training
Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Training
Teaching Pranayama: The Basics
Upcoming Events
Pre-Recorded Teacher Trainings
Teaching Pranayama:
The Basics
Cyndi Lee's Teaching Pranayama: The Basics will give yoga practitioners and teachers, bodyworkers, and health professionals the tools to enrich their own pranayama practice and learn how to effectively share it with their students, clients, and patients. This three-day training will include practicing and teaching breath awareness and breath manipulation techniques, such as sama vritti, ujjayi, nadi shodanam, viloma, and kapalabhati. Sessions will include simple stretching, dharma talks, practicing pranayama techniques in reclined and seated positions, and designing pranayama classes.
Mindfulness Meditation
Teacher Training
Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Training: A Self-Guided 2-Part Program is a course Cyndi Lee designed to help meditators of all levels learn a new approach to meditation or refresh and deepen their existing practice. In the second part of the course, you'll learn how to teach meditation and listen to enriching dharma talks from Cyndi that will inspire both your practice and your teaching.
Restorative Yoga
Teacher Training
Do you love restorative yoga? So much so that you’d like to teach it to others? Or perhaps you’d simply like to add more restorative postures into your home practice, but you’re not quite sure where to start. In either case, we have the course for you! Join world-renowned teacher Cyndi Lee for a comprehensive restorative yoga teacher training program.
Pre-Recorded Courses
Taking Refuge in Your Body
Feel like you’re in an energy rut? Don’t have time for lengthy meditation sessions? Find exercise challenging? Make a fresh start with a smart combination of movement and mindfulness, informed by traditional Buddhist teachings on mindfulness and meditation.
Slow Flow:
Sustainable Yoga for Life
If you are ready to move deeper into vinyasa and find a practice you can carry with you for decades to come, you are ready for Slow Flow. Over the course of six weeks, renowned yoga and Tibetan Buddhism teacher Cyndi Lee will unfold the practice of sustainable vinyasa yoga—a slow- to medium-paced flow designed to balance your physical and mental strength and find long-lasting stability, clarity, and mobility. Based on the long view of sustainability, these vinyasa practices will energize and enhance you today, as well as expand your capacity to move, breath, and live well into the future.
Yoga Snacks Challenge
Looking for bite-size practices that you can easily fit into your schedule? Try our brand-new Yoga Snacks Challenge with Cyndi Lee, designed to offer you a delicious yoga morsel each day for fourteen days. These classes, made with love, are chock-full of yoga goodness: They offer different "flavors" for different tastes—whether you love restorative, vinyasa, or slower (long-hold) practices, there's something here for you. Plus, they include customizable options, making them suitable for all levels of yoga experience.
Uncover Your Happiness
Join renowned teacher Cyndi Lee for a 4 week course designed to help you uncover your own potential for happiness, health, and easeful living. Through asana, dharma talks, meditation, exercises in self-study, and more, Cyndi will invite you to cultivate positive patterns, let go of self-created suffering, and embrace yourself totally and completely, just as you are.